If you frequent Quick's Catch Up, then you know that I'm obsessed with The Unwritten Rules. Starring (l-r) David Lowe (Peter), Aasha Davis (Racey), and Sara Finley (Kathy), the web-series examines the comedic realities of Racey Jones, an African-American in a predominantly white workplace.
The Unwritten Rules is in it's second season and has generated over one million views on YouTube.
Sara Finley explains, "I had never even heard of a web series before I was cast in The Unwritten Rules. I had no idea that it had the potential to garner such a strong following." Finley plays the boss that we love to hate.
Sara Finley explains, "I had never even heard of a web series before I was cast in The Unwritten Rules. I had no idea that it had the potential to garner such a strong following." Finley plays the boss that we love to hate.
"Sometimes it is difficult to play her [Kathy] because there are times when she goes too far and I don't like her either. I like to play her when she is just on the edge and she's just being ignorant, not realizing that she's hurting or offending anyone." - S. FinleyFinley also tells us that we can look forward to sassy confrontations between Kathy and Kaneisha, the new CEO this season.
Aasha Davis says that her favorite thing about The Unwritten Rules is that the series "takes a funny and meaningful look at perceptions and assumptions and makes them relatable to all walks of life." The comedy really comes through in scenes featuring David Lowe's character, Peter. Peter is Racey's awkward office ally. Lowe shares that he is "most comfortable doing this blend of awkward, smart comedy" and that Season 2 has been fun because "there's been an injection of drama and layers into all the characters."
Although there is no word on The Unwritten Rules making its way to the small screen, Lowe reveals that he could see the show doing well on HBO. New episodes are available the first Wednesday of each month! Click over to Youtube to get caught up on the series.